Green Day of SMPJNPHAB (2010)

For this year, SMPJNPHAB will conducting an event where the school will be full with green shirts people and games-related to green. This 'green day', where it will be host on 18th March, 2010 is a day which to celebrate a non carbon emission day to the fullest of natural green diversification. So, students of SMPJNPHAB, during the green day, all of you, also the teachers, wear green shirts or if you don't have any or not interested to wear, then, you just wear any green accessories.

Information about green day:
Event place - Sekolah Menengah Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar
Date - 18th March, 2010
Particular event - green day
Wear - green shirts or green accessories
(The school also wants the students to walk to the school* (* this is only for students who live near the school) )
Attendance - Compulsory
- Planting
- Face paint
- Cleaning program

And, for that day, I will not be going, so...yeah, that's all.
Reason for not attending to school during the green day: I have to go to the airport because my aunt's and cousins' are going to singapore..


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