Patisserie Cake Shop

The Patisserie Cake Shop is a cake shop that sells a wide range of cakes. Enthusiasts can indulge themselves by buying and ordering specific cakes that match their preferences. My fellow readers, you can visit the Patisserie Cake Shop in the following address:

Unit. 10, Ground Floor, Block D,
Lot. 11620 (Traders Inn)
Kampung Mata-Mata, Gadong
BSB BE1718, Negara Brunei Darussalam

You may also contact them;

Telephone number - (+673)2425618
Email -

The Patisserie Cake Shop also has a website,

(Note: The Patisserie Cake Shop above I just found is when I was craving for baking food and so, I browse through the internet to find any recipes regarding my appetite...and at the end, the Patisserie Cake Shop has caught my heart! I root for the cake shop!!! GO! PATISSERIE!!)

Some pictures taken from the Patisserie Cake Shop:

- Patisserie White Chocolate Cake

- Patisserie Chocolate Mud Cake

- Patisserie Opera Cake

- Patisserie Ultimate Almond Chocolate Cake

- Patisserie Chocolate Fudge Cake

(Information: Most of the cakes sell in Patisserie Cake Shop have a price above BND$30.00/kilogram. You can also order a customade cake or cakes especially for you and yours regarded)


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