Muhammad Azim Luqmanul Hakim turns 11

One of my nephew turns 11 years old this month. He is Muhammad Azim Luqmanul Hakim. He is known as 'Azim Luqman' around his family. He was born in the year 1999, 4th March. Congratulation! I hope he will always stay healthy and also, I hope he will passed his Penilaian Sekolah Rendah for Darjah 6 in Sekolah Rendah Kuala Belait and maybe, he would probably get all of the five subjects straight 'A's. I hope he also be a good person and improved his personality to even a better level. And lastly, I want him to know that the people around him, especially his family, will always loved him and support him in any good causes.


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