Opening of the Yura Iqbal blog

Assalamualaikum and hello to the visitors of Yura Iqbal blog. This blog is made to share Yura Iqbal, the founder and author of the blog, life memories and it is also the journal of Yura Iqbal. The blog is also made in conjunction of Yura Iqbal real-self program for the first-time.

There will also be educational theories and information which could help students or educationalists or whoever interested to take notes or even learned about the topics that will be shown in this blog by Yura Iqbal. This blog also updated Yura Iqbal's family on their life and involvement in any particular activities.

So, I hope you will stay reading the posts posted by me from time to time and help me to improved this blog to become a successful and interesting blog which could help me and whoever particularly have the similar life like me or to improved their knowledge on those posts which contain knowledge. For this, I like to thank your corporation on your loyalism for my blog.


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