Year 9 E Science 1 - Homeworks, Projects or Topical Tests

As usual, I will be posting regarding homeworks, projects or topical tests of my class.

1) English Language
About: Write a letter to the principal
Special request from the teacher: If can, please do the letter in only 30 minutes time.
Due date: Tomorrow, 5th April 2010.
Number of minimum words: 200 - 300 words.
Number of minimum paragraphs: 2 - 3 paragraphs.
(Note: Do the homework on after you did your corrections on the March test. Don't forget to write as a letter and firstly, write as usual, on top near the page margin, Dear Principal)

2) Melayu Islam Beraja (M.I.B.)
i) About: The Kerja Rumah (5 questions, with a total of 15 marks) on Ketahanan Nasional, Bersopan Santun, Hormat-Menghormati and Berdisiplin, Sifat-sifat keperibadian MIB, Pemedulian, Dedikasi dan Kesedaran.
Due date: Saturday, 10th April 2010.
ii) About: The Kerja Kelas (4 questions, with a total of 10 marks) on Pemedulian and Dedikasi.
Due date: Tomorrow, 5th April 2010.

1) Melayu Islam Beraja (M.I.B)
About: On saturday(10th April 2010), there will be a group presentation on the 'Majlis Berkebajikan'.
(I hope my classmates have already submit their respective projects to the M.I.B teacher. And if any of you haven't submit yet, please submit tomorrow, on the 5th April 2010, to Cikgu Hazman* (if your name is wrong, I'm very sorry sir....) desk at the teachers' staffroom, first floor above the admin. (Note: His desk is located to the right after the expectriate teachers row and Cikgu Modana row.)


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