Green Day of SMPJNPHAB (2010)

For this year, SMPJNPHAB will conducting an event where the school will be full with green shirts people and games-related to green. This 'green day', where it will be host on 18th March, 2010 is a day which to celebrate a non carbon emission day to the fullest of natural green diversification. So, students of SMPJNPHAB, during the green day, all of you, also the teachers, wear green shirts or if you don't have any or not interested to wear, then, you just wear any green accessories.

Information about green day:
Event place - Sekolah Menengah Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar
Date - 18th March, 2010
Particular event - green day
Wear - green shirts or green accessories
(The school also wants the students to walk to the school* (* this is only for students who live near the school) )
Attendance - Compulsory
- Planting
- Face paint
- Cleaning program

And, for that day, I will not be going, so...yeah, that's all.
Reason for not attending to school during the green day: I have to go to the airport because my aunt's and cousins' are going to singapore..

SMPJNPHAB Annual Clubhouses Cross-Country (2010)

Sekolah Menengah Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar is conducting its annual Clubhouses Cross-Country on 17th March, 2010. This Cross-Country Championship is one of the most important event in the history of SMPJNPHAB. Well, like any other cross-countries, there are winners. But, in this particular cross-country championship, winners are defined in two categories for four clubhouses of SMPJNPHAB.
The categories are:

Category B - for students under the age 15 or 15.
Category C and D - for students age between 16-25.

As usual, the four clubhouses are Panglima, Perkasa, Perwira and Laksamana. For the top 20 winners in the cross-country, they will be respectively evaluated by the teachers into their respective clubhouses. There are 5 winners for each clubhouses. So, students in SMPJNPHAB ready with your shoes and all your metabolic energies in the upcoming cross-country! See you all in the event!! And also, don't forget to bring at least one pin to pin your numbering label on your shirts!!!

Year 9 E Science 1: Topical Test (2)

Tomorrow, there will be a topical test for Year 9 E Science 1 of Sekolah Menengah Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar. It is the Bahasa Melayu 2nd Topical Test for Term 1. I hope me and Year 9 E Science 1 classmates will do our best!!!!!
Aja-Aja Fighty!!!! Perseverance!

Subject - Bahasa Melayu
Topical Test - 2nd
Term - 1st
Topic - Meringkaskan Karangan and Pantun/Puisi Empat Rangkap
Period - 2 and 3 (08:00 - 09:00)
Date - 15th March, 2010

And also, for Year 9 E Science 1 students who take Additional Mathematics, tomorrow, on the 15th March 2010, you all will have the 2nd Topical Test for Additional Mathematics (Term 1), I hope you all to the fullest!!!! because I know its hard~ just don't be stress...

Subject - Additional Mathematics
Topical Test - 2nd
Term - 1st
Topic - Indices and Surds
Period - 9 and 10 (11:30 - 12:30)
Date - 15th March, 2010

On 16th March 2010, there will be a topical test, it is Physics 2nd Topical Test for Term 1 for Year 9 E Science 1 students!!!! Physics, owh all of us are so stress about it...we couldn't find the solution why......

Subject - Physics
Topical Test - 2nd
Term - 1st
Topic - Kinematics
Period - 9 and 10 (11:30 - 12:30)
Date - 16th March, 2010

Also, on that day, there will be another topical test, that is, 'D' Mathematics 2nd Topical Test for Term 1 for Year 9 E Science 1 students!! This are outrageous, two tests in one day are totally unacceptable...

Subject - 'D' Mathematics
Topical Test - 2nd
Term - 1st
Topic - Coordinate Geometry
Period - 3 and 4 (08:30 - 09:30)
Date - 16th March, 2010

o.O This is so uncool~ I hope Allah helps us!!! Amin~~

Dayangku Yura Nurul Wafiy' turns 21

Today, 14th March 2010, is Nurul Wafiy' 21st birthday!! Chukeyo nonaa!!! Nurul Wafiy', or Kakafiy' are surnames of Dayangku Yura Nurul Wafiy'. She is now officially 21 years old. She was born in 14th March, 1989. I will like to congratulate her and I hope she is always happy and have a nice life and may Allah bless her and help her to achieve anything that she wants and also always be with her side...I want her to know that her family and friends always loved her!! I hope she wins the public speaking held in her college, Maktab Teknik Sultan Saiful Rijal. Aja Aja Fighty!!!

Ku Percaya Ada Cinta - (Tahajjud Cinta by Siti Nurhaliza)

Mereka meragui wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala

Ku rela biar betapa pun perit tertusuk duri
Jalan berliku tiada bertepi
Ku percaya tidak sia-sia aku diuji
Demi cinta tersembunyi hikmahNya pasti

Pandang-pandang alam ini
Sambil pandang difikiri
Mana bumbung langit tinggi
Mana lantai bumi
Tidak satu yang terjadi
Tidak mungkin tersendiri
Cuba cari jawapannya andai meragui

Mereka meragui wujudnya cinta yang sejati
Tidak hati ini
Semenjak dari mula
Ku yakin ada cinta
Cintalah yang memungkinkan segala

(repeat body)
(repeat chorus)
(repeat body)

Ada hikmah yang pasti..
Sejak mula ku percaya ada cinta
Cinta itu memungkinkan segalanya
Cinta suci yang abadi

Tanpamu - (CTKD by Siti Nurhaliza - Kris Dayanti)

Singers: Siti Nurhaliza and Kris Dayanti

Biasanya aku lelap tidur…
Terbangun ‘tuk fikirkan diri mu
Mengenangmu yang kini telah jauh

Biasanya aku tenang tidur
Terbuaiku mengingat dirimu
Mencintamu namun kau terlalu jauh

Kucuba lupakan dirimu
Mengingatmu hancurkan hatiku

Dahulu seia sekata,
Namun kini semua telah berlalu

Sayang kuingatkan dirimu….
Bahawa ku tak bisa hidup tanpamu.

Sayang kuingatkan dirimu….
Bahawa ku tak bisa hidup tanpamu.



Tahajjud Cinta by Siti Nurhaliza

For so long time, I haven't update about my top hot sensational singer, Siti Nurhaliza (I'm one of your biggest fan!!!!) Siti Nurhaliza or Dato' Siti Nurhaliza binti Tarudin, known as Malaysia's number one singer and the voice of Asia, had released her fourteenth album that is the Tahajjud Cinta, last year (2009). I've just known yesterday while browsed about her in the internet. I think I'm a terrible fan.....I'm so sorry Kak Ct (surname for Siti Nurhaliza, used commonly around her fans)...Starting now, I hope I will stay loyal to you!

Tahajjud Cinta is Siti Nurhaliza fourteenth album which is released in the year 2009. This album comprised of Islamic-related songs that mostly derived to praise the only god of mankind which also encouraged Muslims to be loyal and spiritual under Allah's guidance.

- Thank you Siti Nurhaliza, SitiZone -

Year 9 E Science 1: Topical Test - Term 1(1)

Tomorrow, on the 10th March 2010, there will be a Geography topical test for Year 9 E Science 1 of Sekolah Menegah Pengiran Jaya Negara Pengiran Haji Abu Bakar. The topical test will be the last test for this term for Geography of Year 9 E Science 1. It is the second test. The topic is about Volcano and Earthquake. Let's do our best!!!!! Like the korean phrase, ' Aja Aja Fighty! Fighty! '

Tomorrow; topical test
- Geography
Topic: Volcano and Earthquake
Date: 10th March 2010
Period: 9 and 10

Muhammad Azim Luqmanul Hakim turns 11

One of my nephew turns 11 years old this month. He is Muhammad Azim Luqmanul Hakim. He is known as 'Azim Luqman' around his family. He was born in the year 1999, 4th March. Congratulation! I hope he will always stay healthy and also, I hope he will passed his Penilaian Sekolah Rendah for Darjah 6 in Sekolah Rendah Kuala Belait and maybe, he would probably get all of the five subjects straight 'A's. I hope he also be a good person and improved his personality to even a better level. And lastly, I want him to know that the people around him, especially his family, will always loved him and support him in any good causes.

Opening of the Yura Iqbal blog

Assalamualaikum and hello to the visitors of Yura Iqbal blog. This blog is made to share Yura Iqbal, the founder and author of the blog, life memories and it is also the journal of Yura Iqbal. The blog is also made in conjunction of Yura Iqbal real-self program for the first-time.

There will also be educational theories and information which could help students or educationalists or whoever interested to take notes or even learned about the topics that will be shown in this blog by Yura Iqbal. This blog also updated Yura Iqbal's family on their life and involvement in any particular activities.

So, I hope you will stay reading the posts posted by me from time to time and help me to improved this blog to become a successful and interesting blog which could help me and whoever particularly have the similar life like me or to improved their knowledge on those posts which contain knowledge. For this, I like to thank your corporation on your loyalism for my blog.
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